Preserving Louisiana's Legacy By Fighting For Public Water Access

What's the big deal?

Louisiana's wetlands are being closed to fishing

Individuals and organizations are closing off large swaths of the marsh for the purpose of their own interests. No, we are not talking about land, but water subject to the flow and ebb of the tide. Every week more and more water is posted and patrolled. When is the last time you went to your favorite fishing spot? It could be posted. 

Help us win the fight for fishing freedom

Louisiana Sportsmen's Coalition is the only organization fighting for water access in Louisiana. Not even the Coastal Conservation Association will address this issue in a meaningful manner beyond mere words.

We are people who love fishing just like you, and need your help to preserve Louisiana's favorite pastime: having fun fishing.

Joining our ranks is the best way you can do that.

Are you a business? Learn how you're affected.

why we do it

Because we love Louisiana

We formed our organization to our heritage of enjoying the outdoors from becoming a thing of the past. This way Louisiana remains the Sportsman's Paradise and not a Posted Paradise. If we don't, where will our kids go fishing? What will happen to the thousands of businesses and employees relying on Louisiana's recreational fishing industry? Let's not find out the hard way.

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